Thursday, November 26, 2009

Crystal Black on Glass

I haven't fed my shrimps close to 2 days... since I was busy...
Looks like this shrimp is searching for food...

BT carrying Eggs ^^

I had 15-16 Blue Tiger Shrimps and month later about 5-6 shrimps died...
Few days ago, I checked on my shrimp tank and finally, 2 of the shrimps are carrying eggs. ^_^
Now there are 9-10 left and hoping they won't die...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Baby Cherry Shrimp and Jewel Cichlid

Baby cherry shrimp.

I got this cichlid near my pet shop. They were selling this $1 each... (I can't remember well...) and it was about 3cm. After 6 months later, it grown really big. It's really huge now...

Friday, November 6, 2009

Baby CRS~

One week old CRS baby on glass ^^

Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Grade CRS

Random CRS photo taken from one my tank. Looks like A grade...
I need to take better picture and need to buy new camera, but no money on me right now. -_-