Friday, December 25, 2009

Neocaridina Brown Feeding Spinach

Snowball Shrimp

I was looking at snowball shrimp tank and found one shrimp carrying eggs. ^^
Soon, I got to clean the tank and move them to new home...

Blue Tiger Baby shrimps~!

I seen few baby shrimps and 3 days later, I was seeing around 50 baby shrimps on the glass... ^_^
Shrimps are only 3 days old~

Tiger Shrimp Feeding Spinach

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Feeding Time~

Feeding Hikari Algae Wafer~

Algae on my glass and movie isn't that clear... :(

Light BT and Dark BT

My tiger shrimps...
One have very light blue color and another one have thick blue color... (hoping to get more of these...)

CRS and BT Carry Eggs

My CRS and Blue tiger is carry eggs. ^^
Blue tiger shrimp had few babies 2 days ago and she is carrying eggs again. ^^ (hope she won't die...)
This tiger has light blue color and some dark brown color...
Hoping to get some good blue tiger shrimps...
Just gotta wait until babies grow...

Trying To Take Better Photo

I'm trying to take beter photo...
Top one is with sky blue and bottom with normal mode...
By the way this is update of fissidens... it's now grown 4 months.
Very slow growing plant. -_-

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My Second Blue Tiger Carrying Eggs ^^

Close up piture ^^
It was really hard to take picture with my old camera...