Thursday, November 10, 2011

10g and 7.9g tank...

This is 10g tank. I have setup with ADA substrate, Africana, two small sponge filters and Eheim Liberty 2040 hang on filter. I didn't need to root any plants so, I decided to put only 1-2 cm of soils. This been cycled about 6 weeks. Plants that are in this tank: java fern, fissidens, flame moss and round pellia. Round pellia have been tank for only 3 days and rest other plants are starting to grow nicely with DIY co2.

This is 7.9g tank, which is almost 8g... been setup for 2 weeks. The setup of this tank is Fluval Stratum substrate about 2 cm, very lightly Amazonia soils, Azoo big sponge filter and Eheim Liberty 2041 hang on filter. Plants in this tank are: java fern, round pellia and flame moss. Later on, I'm going to add little bit of fissidens. This tank also have DIY co2 running.

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